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Pricing / Services

Our billing commitment to our clients:


We practice fully transparent and honest billing. The packages below will cover most uncontested Alberta divorces. As indicated below, the $260 court filing fee is in addition.  However, the costs for the process server, Commissioner for Oaths, court runner, courier, postage, etc. are included.  If you have a unique variable requiring additional fees, we will advise you prior to any action and discuss your options.


If your spouse lives or works outside Canada, we are conversant in getting him or her served in many countries. You would be responsible for the costs of the services outside Canada. We will find service providers in that country, negotiate the best prices on your behalf, and co-ordinate and manage the process to get your spouse served outside Canada. We add only a small premium to the fees below. If your specific circumstance requires additional fees, we will advise in advance.

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